Thursday, August 1, 2013

There’s good news and bad news…

Well I’ll give you the bad news first (it’s only fair to you)…..i think I’m addicted to chocolate (/sweets in general). The bad thing is, with mom being a professional baker and always having the BEST (don’t even try to argue) cookies and sweets, chocolate or desserts (almost daily) was quite normal...and this isn’t the first time I’ve been suspicious of this behavior of mine haha. But here’s the thing: when you come to India and they don’t eat chocolate very much and their “really sweet” things aren’t even a ¼ of how sweet ours, you quickly realize your intense need and cravings. Now I told you I also have good news: I brought 2 bags of chocolate chips/chunks with me. Initially, these were for baking...of the 2 full bags, only ¼ has and will be used for that. The ¾ of the chunks left over from some brownies were my daily chocolate fix for several weeks, and I just decided to go ahead and carry a small ziploc bag of chocolate chips with me at all times from the second bag. But hey, the first step is admittance right? About the changed behavior….

Another piece of good news for you: Monday it was sunny and warm!! Some of you are no doubt thinking, “Bethany, you’re in INDIA! It’s always hot and sunny!” Well, I’m here to tell you that is in fact, not true! This is rainy season….at the beginning of my time here it wasn’t too rainy, but now it’s nearly all day, everyday. So the sunshine, warm weather and (mom, don’t read this) a no-regret sunburn on my neck made me soo excited! The girls thought my red neck was so interesting and were super concerned haha!! I also showed a couple of the college girls here some pictures of some of you all that are tanner than me, so they actually SEE that most people in the States aren’t as pasty as me :). And when they saw some African Americans they said, as if on cue, “Africa!” bahahaha…so I explained again that we have people from just about every country in the States and that most black people aren’t JUST coming from Africa, but have been here for a long time haha. I also had a dream the other night that I was at a farmer’s market in Columbus with mom and Josh and commented on how it was warmer there than in India (which in fact is true). I’m not sure I can remember a time when my dreams consistently reflected things I was actually thinking about more! A couple nights ago I had a dream that I was staying with David, Shauna and Mikayla Goode (again true to my recently frequent thoughts about how I miss those wonderful people!) and another night I had a dream that I ran into Hannah Williams and Allie Steward at the store with my sister Jen! I’ve never had so many people that I recognize in my dreams so often! And it was like my reactions to them were true to what they would be right now...dreams are so interesting!

Bad news: they don’t have sweet tea in India. Of course I miss Judy Bell’s sweet tea, but I was mostly sad that they have not and probably never will have sweet tea, and that the sound of it disgusted them haha! I went pretty in depth about how we make it, that it’s not nasty like when their milk/tea combo gets cold, etc.! She asked if we have “sugar disease” in my family because I told her we drink a lot of sweet tea bahahaha. I told her no we don’t :).

I have been incredibly humbled by the Lord’s patience and grace with me...that even when I’m whiney and selfish, he gently corrects and unconditionally forgives me. And I was also super convicted of my lack of patience and grace at times. Please pray that I would have a fresh dose of Jesus in me every day...without him, I’m a crappy person to be around! Now THAT’S humbling! I love how David Hamilton words our desire for the Lord and his Word: “The thirst of a deer and the perseverance of a bulldog”... just soak on that one for a while— it’s a good one :)

Also, health update: I can officially say that my digestion is normal!! I am finally able to consume these yummy veggies again and have felt good!

Please prayyyyy:
-Continue to pray for my health...i still have a little under 2 weeks here and really don’t want to be sick again!! ***I have a strange pain in my neck (feels like swollen lymph nodes maybe) that’s giving me an annoying soreness*** That sounds SUPER petty, but I mentioned it only because I know you all will pray for it with me! No pity party needed, just prayer :)!
-For continued joy, hope and patience alllll the way to the end! Sometimes having the end in sight makes it easier to be joyful and sometimes it makes it harder! So pray for consistent joy in the little things, especially during the morning and afternoon, when there’s more down time.
-The Masseys made it to Thailand safely, praise the Lord! Continue to pray for Melissa to adjust quickly and for Arun and Shobha as they have several important meetings with supporting organizations. Keep praying for things here to go smoothly as well.

Much love,

1 comment:

  1. Hey Bethany, it sounds like you are having a good time. Hope you continue to have a good time and praying you get better soon. Bye
