Thursday, July 18, 2013

definitely different.

Thank you all for praying for me, for my health specifically! I went to the doctor (lets call it an adventure) today with one of the women from the children's home. They said it was close, so we'd walk. A few miles later we arrived :)...these are the moments when I realize how American I am. The doctor is an MD and in pretty high demand evidently, because the waiting room was full with about 20+ people and people waiting outside. We waited for over an hour and then went in finally. He asked my symptoms, checked some vitals (who needs to know blood pressure? not this doctor!), and felt my stomach (which was painful!). He asked some other questions and then determined that I have a mix infection and I'm thinking That can't be good. He said I have Amoebas and E-coli, although I don't think it's the same insane strain of e-coli people get sick with in the States, but I think we also are starting the meds early enough. So I got 2 antibiotics, probiotics and another gastrointestinal liquid medicine. Which, by the way, is "peppermint" flavored. But guess what color it is? Orange. It's ok, I don't understand either. And it's soo thick. I'm such a baby when it comes to liquid meds...pills all the way for me. I'll take these for 5 days and then return to check up with him. Definitely thankful for a good doctor to go to here and one that Shobha trusts.

Thanks soooo much for praying and please pray now that these medicines would COMPLETELY kill whatever nasties I have and that I would begin to feel 100% again and be able to eat normally (he put me on a strict rice and dahl diet for a week...dahl is lentils and sauce).

Love love love you all!